Monday, January 27, 2020
The Geotechnical Engineering On Soil Engineering Essay
The Geotechnical Engineering On Soil Engineering Essay Many soils can prove problematic in geotechnical engineering since they can expand, collapse, undergo excessive settlement, have a distinct lack of strength or be corrosive. Thus different soils have different weaknesses and cause different problems this problems can range from a small crack in the wall to a sinkhole that destroys a town. During the viability analysis and planning stages of projects that involves infrastructure, it is important to identify problematic soils since this could save costs and/or redesign of the project later on. If it is noted before the project is started the project can be relocated or the soil adjusted to meet the projects demands. A portion of the Gautrain rail, approximately 16 km, from Pretoria to Centurion traverse on dolomitic grounds. Of this 16 km about 5.8 km of the rail were constructed on viaduct with the remaining portion directly on ground level. It is known that the construction on the problem soil dolomite is difficult. When a development is undertaken on dolomite it requires special investigations that are conducted by specialist in the investigation of dolomitic terrain. Developed areas such as Gauteng have high levels of urbanisation. The construction on dolomite in these areas poses a potential risk to the safety of many people and the structures in which they work and live. In this report the geology of dolomite, were it can be found, why the soil is considered problematic as well as the solutions and improvements that can be done to be able to build on dolomite will be discussed. 2. Location and distribution Detailed soil maps would be a first choice of information source in a civil construction project when information on the soil type is needed. But with the exception of certain metropolitan areas of the Western Cape and the Gauteng Provence, detailed soil maps are not often available (P Page-Green, 2008). A combination of aspects such as topography, climate and the soil pattern are the basic fundamentals of South African soil maps. There are two major dolomite occurrences in South Africa namely, in the Transvaal Sequence the Chuniespoort Group and in Griqualand west Sequence the Campbell Group (Wagener F von M, 1985). Soils that develop on dolomite have unique problems. These soils are best identified from standard geological maps. When constructing on dolomite it is crucial that the extent of the problem is identified well in advance thus the use of soil maps during construction is normally redundant. It is not always easy to detect dolomitic soils since it is not normally directly exposed to the surface. Roughly speaking about 25% of the Gauteng province, and parts of Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the Northern Province are underlain by dolomite. These areas can be seen on the geological maps below were the blue parts are the dolomite. ZQ Figure : Distribution of dolomite in Gauteng Figure : Distribution of dolomite in South Africa (Council for Geocience, 2008) On the map bellow it can be seen that the area between centurion and Pretoria were the rail of the Gautrain was constructed is underlain by dolomite. The band of dolomite surrounds the granitic dome of Johannesburg Figure : Geological map of the area surrounding the Gautrain site (Gautrain,2009) 3. Geology of Dolomite Ancient carbonate rocks contains predominantly two minerals namely calcite (CaCO3) or dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). A carbonate rock is known as limestone if it is dominated by calcite (more than 95% with less than 5% dolomite), when it is dominated by dolomite (the mineral) it is called dolomite (the rock) (Warren, 2000). When dolomite is in a rock formation it contains more than 90% dolomite with the remaining portion being calcite, detrital minerals and chert. Very few sedimentary dolomites are strictly stoichiometric, i.e. CaMg(CO3)2, and can be better represented as: Ca(1+x)Mg(1-x)(CO3)2, by encompassing the range from calcian to magnesian dolomites (Warren, 2000). Dolomite is one of the 8 major problem soils (Expansive, Dispersive, Collapsible, Saline, Acid sulphate containing material, Compressive, dolomitic, and soils prone to liquefaction) found in South Africa (P Page-Green, 2008). Dolomite which is a rock containing calcium-magnesium carbonates have a distinctive elephant skin texture when weathered by even slightly acidic water. Figure : Elephant skin weathering of dolomite (Council for Geocience, 2008) This weathering occurs when water takes up carbon dioxide from either the atmosphere or the soil to for a weak carbonic acid. It takes up the most carbon dioxide from the soil since it contains 90% more than the atmosfhere. Dolomite has a higher solubility that other rocks with the significant solution observed in months or years since the dissolution processes is slowly in slightly acidic water. Elephant skin weathering of Dolomite This process may be represented with the following chemistry equation: CaMg(CO3)2 + 2 H2CO3  à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’ Ca(HCO3)2 + Mg(HCO3)2 The dissolution process thus leads to the formation of underground caves and or cavities. After this weathering process has taken place the formation of Wad, a complex residual soil mantle occurs which then overlays the dolomite bedrock. The known characteristics for this weak Wad material are low density, highly erodible and highly compressible. These characteristics of the soil make it unsuitable for foundation building on top of it. Within this Wad layer very hard chert can be found ranging from 7mm to 1m in depth. This chert (silica) forms bands that are discontinuous and since it is found in the soft Wad it is unsuitable to support a foundation. Within the soil strata flouters or otherwise known as boulders of solid rock are present. These flouters are formed due to pinnacles that have either fallen or have been undermined. The floaters are surrounded by soil making construction on it hazardous since the size of the floater and the strength of the soil undelaying it is not known. The bedrock of dolomitic strata consists of a series of rock pinnacles. These pinnacles are normally between 10 20 m in length. In boreholes drilled just 10 m apart the bedrock depth can differ by 30m or more. The depth of the solid bedrock from ground level can vary from a few meters to depths that are greater than 100 meters. In the case of the Gautrain the solid bedrock was found 30 meters below the ground surface at some of the sites. It is not easy to determine where the bedrock is. Thus specialised drillings (inspection holes) need to be made to determine the location of the solid bedrock. These holes are drilled to ensure that a foundation is not build on a floater or on the hard chert layer. 4. Why the soil is problematic Two of the mayor problems associated with dolomite are the formation of sinkholes and dolines. 4.1 Sinkholes As the dolomite dissolute cavities form which leads to the formation of cracks in the form of an arch. These cracks get wider and longer as the soil is eroded and the cavities get bigger. When the underlying soil is triggered in the middle by a disturbing agent or the cavities get big enough a sinkhole is formed. With small sinkholes the cross-section resembles a bottleneck as soil falls through a cavity. Sinkholes can occurs suddenly or over time and forms a hole ranging in sizes. The sinkhole can be classified in terms of its size as proposed by Buttrick and Van Schalkwyk, as shown in the table below. Maximum diameter of surface manifestation (m) Terminology Small sinkhole 2 5 Medium-size sinkhole 5 15 Large sinkhole > 15 Very large sinkhole Table 1. Suggested classification of sinkholes in terms of size (Buttrick Van Schalkwyk, 1995) Figure : the formation of a sinkhole The formation of sinkholes can directly be linked to the changes in the water table. Almost all sinkhole formations are due to human activities. These activities include the dewatering due to mines, leaking utility services and abstraction of ground water. Sinkholes can be disastrous and can lead to loss of property or live as noted in the past. 4.2 Dolines Dolines can be described as an enclosed depression. Dolines form as a result of the compression of the dolomite residuum at certain depths. There are two main types of dolines namely dewatering type and saturation type. There is another type of doline that is referred to as a partially developed sinkhole which is caused by the erosion of the subsurface materials (Council for Geocience, 2008). Dewatering-type Doline A dewatering-type doline occurs gradually till it forms a large enclosed depression at the end of the process. The mechanism behind the formation of this type of doline can be summarised as follow: Within the dolomite rock profile there is a zone that is deeply weathered which is filled with potentially highly compressible material. A part of this material is usually submerged below the existing groundwater level. When the groundwater level falls rapidly the previously submerged and unconsolidated soil is exposed which results in a decrease of the pore water pressure. The thick layer of wad that is exposed by the lowered water table may cause excessive compression and rapid surface settlement. A dip otherwise known as a depression of the surface is caused by the settlement. Due to deferential movement surface tension cracks occur in the surrounding area. Surface Saturation-type Doline Surface saturation type dolines are usually less than 5m in diameter thus relatively small. The mechanism behind the formation of this type of doline can be summarised as follow: Occurs in situations where compressible dolomitic material underlay an area at relatively shallow depths with the ground water table either within or below the compressible material. Varying depths of the ground water table does not influence the ground surface movement. The materials at the surface are not saturated by the ground water table but due to for instance poor drainage or a leaking pipe services. The water penetrates the surface and continues till it reaches the low density material. The deeper low density materials settle into a denser state since it is saturated. This causes a surface depression due to the increasing load on the near surface materials. When the cause of the drenching is stopped the movement will rapidly decrease in general. The size of the depression is determined by the saturated profile underlying the area. The factors include the thickness, the depth the low density material is present, the configuration, and the extent of the saturation and also the location of the bedrock dolomite. Partly developed sinkholes When the subsurface erosion due to the ingress water is terminated it may also result in settlement of the surface which can appear to be similar to a doline. 5. Solutions and soil improvements when soil is present There are many ways to construct foundations to make it feasible to construct on dolomite. Some of these methods include: 5.1 Piles Piles are constructed out of circular concrete forms that are reinforced and socketed into the hard dolomitic bedrock. The construction of piled foundations into rock is not usually favoured in dolomitic or karst conditions. This is because of the serious installation constraints concerning the presence of the chert bands, rock floaters and also due to the nature of the bedrock that forms pinnacles. Where space is a constraining factor, for instance when there is a need to build close to roads or major services, it is considered to use pile to rock construction. (Gautrain,2009) 5.2 Raft Foundations Unlike piles that sits directly on the bedrock, raft foundations are basically large pad footings that floats in the soil mass. As discussed below the soil mas on which the raft is constructed are usually pre-treated to improve its density and strength by means of ground improvements. Another way is to pile the rafts itself by extending down to a more competent established horizon. There are different raft foundation options available that can be considered namely: Raft that spans between pinnacles with the possibility of concrete fillings between the pinnacles; When the bedrock is less than 15m below the ground and the voids and cavities are grouted to reduce occurrence of sinkholes, soil improvements can be done and the raft placed upon it; Or the raft can be placed on unimproved soil but still with the voids and the cavities grouted to reduce the occurrence of a sinkhole. Methods on how the soil can be improved: The conventional method by making use of mechanical roller compaction. Dynamic compaction can be done by making use of a crane to lift and drop purpose made steal pounders on the soil. Another method is preloading the soil with an additional load by making use of concrete blocks. This additional load almost the same as those that would be imposed by actual viaduct foundations. Usually about 1000 concrete blocks that are specially manufactured for this purpose and that individually weighs 10 tons are used. 5.3 Piled raft foundation The piled raft is a geotechnical composite construction consisting of the three elements piles, raft and soil which is mostly applied for the foundation of tall buildings in an increasing number. The foundation concept of piled rafts differs from traditional foundation design, where the loads are assumed to be carried either by the raft or by the piles, considering the safety factors in each case. The method used in this project was conducted by firstly pre-loading a 20m x 20m area, were the structure will be placed on, by using concrete blocks. Thereafter the substrata within the 20m x 20m column, that was constructed, are improved by grouting. This is done to reduce the existing voids and cavities present that can lead to sinkhole formations. After completing the grouting works, the piles are then installed within these grouted columns. Finally concrete raft also referred to as a pile cap were then casted over the newly constructed pile. (Gautrain,2009) 5.4 Solution used in the project and interesting facts Since the traffic could not be interrupted during the construction over the 14/Jean Avenue and N1/John Vorster Drive interchanges in Centurion innovative methods was used. After all the geological investigations were done and bedrock depth was determined the concrete shafts or piles where constructed. The shaft foundations were approximately 7 m in diameter and on some cases reached depths of 30 m deep. After the pier is finally secured the placement of the viaducts can start. There were made use of a cast-in-place method by constructing the viaducts form both directions. The sections are constructed so that the span of the viaducts will be post tensioned. To conduct this method a sophisticated hydraulically controlled concrete shutter was used. The viaducts were placed at an angle so that the rail segment crosses the intersection diagonally. This asked for innovative engineering as the pears needed to be shaped elliptically to be slender enough to fit in the confined space available but strong enough to support the superstructure of the viaducts. Since the design is that of an arch the mid-spans are shallower that the segments that rests on the piers this gives the viaducts a graceful curve. To ensure that high strength concrete was readily available batching plants were erected at each site. The length of the viaduct over the N14/Jean Avenue is 571.5m longa and has 6 spans of which the longest is 121m long. The length of the viaduct over the N1/John Vorster Drive is 502.75m long with 6 spans of which the longest is 109.8m in length. 6. Two landmarks caused by dolomite The destruction of dolomite is not all bad. It also provides tourist attractions such as the Cradle of human kind and the Sudwala Caves. On December 2 1999 The Cradle of Humankind which consists of several strips of dolomite limestone caves and the Fossil Hominid Sites of Sterkfontein, Swartkrans, Kromdraai and Environs, were declared a World Heritage Site. It contains the fossilised remains of prehistoric forms of animals, plants and most importantly, hominids. This declared area is 47 000 hectares and extends roughly between Oaktree, Hekpoort, Broederstroom and Lanseria in Gauteng. Most of the site is on dolomite which leads to two major consequences- the formation of caves and the formation of fossils. These dolomite caves started out as coral reefs growing in a worm shallow sea about 2.3 billion years ago. Currently there are over 200 caves in total on the site with a possibility for more to be discovered. The Sudwala Caves contain the largest dolomite chamber in the world namely the Owen Hall. The caves have a chamber which is a naturally formed amphitheatre of approximately 37m in height and 70m in diameter. The caves have a floor surface of 14,000 m2 over a distance of about 600m that are open to the public. The tallest stalagmite in the caves is about 11m in length. The water table fluctuated as a result to the changes in the topography and climate. This caused acidic water to seep through the cracks into the dolomite thus slowly but surely dissolved the dolomitic rock. As a result a series of underground chambers eventually formed were the dolomite have bean dissoluted and the rock carried away in solution by the water seeping out, or where it occasionally found an escape route and flowed away. Thus the Sudwala Caves was formed and it is believed that the caves are much larger and that some of the chambers are still to be discovered.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
C.S. Lewis’ Reflections on the Psalms
Clive Staples (C.S.) Lewis, best known for his slew of fantasy novels, Chronicles of Narnia, is undoubtedly one of the most popular and controversial Christian writers. His unabashed use of Christian mythology and concepts in his literary works reflected the impact of his conversion late in life, though his background and interest in folklore and the occultist manage to shine through his texts time and again. In any case, it would be improper and an insult to consider Lewis a run of the mill Christian writer, whose literary products are expected to subscribe to the doctrines of the religion. Though devoted and a staunch believer, Lewis’ intellectual take on the religion and its implications run against the grain of common Christian literature. It is, therefore, imperative to view Lewis using this frame of mind, particularly in understanding his post-conversion writings. One must also take into consideration that Lewis’ unorthodox view of Christian teachings – though decidedly supportive and faithful – often elicits much controversy from various parties. Being an Anglican Christian, his writings are often condemned for their perceived attack on Catholicism and Judaism. It is with this viewpoint that most literary analysts and critiques pillory Lewis’ most controversial non-fiction Christian tome, Reflections on the Psalms. The book is the result of Lewis’ reading of the Book of Psalms in the Bible, and the result of his discussion is not as easily acceptable for most readers. It is the culmination of both his Christian background and a genuine interest in the apparent contradiction that faith and religiosity can be the breeding ground for the worst forms of violence and anger. This study posits that C.S. Lewis’ Reflections on the Psalms is a misunderstood body of work that may not be a perfect discussion of the Book of Psalms but does represent the occasionally valid theological theories of the author himself.  Though it will be necessary to compare Lewis’ theological musings to the writings of his peers, one must take into consideration the fact that the book is essentially an encapsulation of Lewis’ own musings and comprehension of the Book of Psalms without proselytizing or seeking any religious influence over any reader. To prove this thesis, the study shall begin with a brief discussion of the contents of the book, primarily with regards to Lewis’ interests and understanding of the Book of Psalms. Second, the study shall discuss the similarities and differences of Reflections on the Psalms as compared to other books or articles of similar vein. Third, the study shall seek to understand the value of Lewis’ tome through its intended audience and the message he wished to deliver to his readers. Lastly, the study shall present an in-depth review of the strengths and weaknesses of the book, primarily through specific quotations from the text. Only then can a valid judgment of the book be achieved. It would, of course, also be a reliable standard through which the merit and validity of continued patronage for Lewis’ little known tome on the Psalms may be measured. First of all, what exactly is Reflections on the Psalms about? In a nutshell, Lewis reads the Book of Psalms and finds both joy and fear in his readings. He is alternately ecstatic and appalled by the combination of praise and vitriolic anger found in this Old Testament book, citing some areas as aberrations when taken against the standards of the Christian world. In the process of reviewing the Book of Psalms, however, Lewis unleashes some seriously controversial lines, such as the condemnation of Jews as worst than pagans in their vindictiveness and anger[1]. Despite his negative pronouncements about the Jews and their violent indignation, Lewis’ book also looks into the essence of praise and what it means to man. The Book of Psalms is essentially a collection of prayer songs. These songs are filled with praise for God in the same way that man would sing praises of anything or anyone he cares about. This concept is not lost on Lewis, who promptly dedicates a moving chapter to the power of praise. Lewis presents a different point of view in the sense that he urges readers not to fall for the theological jargon and technicalities that essentially make the reading of the Bible tedious and academic. Rather, his main point in writing Reflections on the Psalms is to emphasize the love that drives man to sing praises to a higher power and a greater being. It is this essence of the Book of Psalms that Lewis focuses upon, emphasizing the unique rapturous sensation that fuels the Psalmists’ songs of praise for God, even in all their imperfect glory. Lewis’ book on the Psalms, of course, is not the first or last one in the literary world. Arthur Weiser’s The Psalms: a Commentary, for example, is a straightforward commentary on the writings in the Book of Psalms. Without essentially dissecting the concepts within the book, Weiser presents a modern discussion of the Psalms in a manner similar to a literary addendum; his book is explanatory of the book in the context of history rather than straight theology. The result is more of an academic verse by verse explanation of the Book of Psalms. For example, the book attempts to find a correlation between the promised power of the Israelite king and the known history of Israel. In doing so, Weiser likens the kings of Israel to the ruler of Egypt, explaining the psalmist’s faith as a product of the historical submission to an unseen God prominent in the area during that period.[2] On the other hand, J.M. Smith’s The Religion of the Psalms is more focused on the significance of the Book of Psalms with regards to its effects on morality in the Jewish sphere.[3] How did the Book of Psalms influence the moral and ethical standards of the Jewish community? In essence, it is less a theological discussion (as in Lewis’ Reflections on the Psalms) or a historical study (as in Weiser’s The Psalms: a Commentary) and more of a study on the ethical dimensions and impact of the Psalms. What is most important to discuss, apart from the approach to the Book of Psalms, however, is the literary style employed by Lewis. Both Weiser and Smith present a near clinical explanation of the Book of Psalms, rendering it completely academic in nature. With Lewis, however, the style of writing is entirely different.  Though the content may be controversial, Lewis’ writing style undoubtedly produces beautiful, free flowing prose. Even in his damning critique of what he calls â€Å"Jewish prison of self-righteousness†, his words never fail to contain a certain degree of mastery that renders the reader speechless and enthralled. His use of imagery and metaphors – a feature not found in other studies and commentaries on the Book of Psalms – alternately brings to life the peaceful, rapturous bliss of praise and the scathing fire-and-brimstone speeches of anger and vindictiveness. Lewis’ style leaves no room for doubt: he indicts, judges and rhapsodizes about every nook and cranny of the Book of Psalms, thereby presenting a delightful and visually stimulating analysis of the Old Testament’s ode to prayer.[4] It may be said that the style of writing itself speaks volumes about Lewis’ very message. His use of vivid prose and occasionally harsh, unforgiving words essentially show that the book is far from a theological dissertation that begs readership from scholars of the same field alone. Rather than an academic approach, Lewis has utilized a less formal yet no less insightful means to discuss his views of the Book of Psalms. As such, it may be surmised that the intended audience of the book are the masses – lay people who cannot be presumed to know enough of the Bible’s scholarly and theological debates. Instead, the book is designed to appeal to and at the same time educate the ordinary people who wish to learn more of faith rather than spend their hours reciting prescribed prayers. It is a discussion made entirely accessible to ordinary people – an exercise in proletariat â€Å"education†. It is not exactly an attempt to aid conversions or strengthen the proselytizing armies. More importantly, Lewis does not write directly for the Christian readers, either, despite his subject matter. Lewis’ intention is to move people towards action, towards moral indignation against illicit and immoral activities.[5] In essence, the target audience is anyone who cares about moral uprightness, and the Book of Psalms becomes a means for Lewis to deliver across his point. Rather than a platform for theological proselytizing, the end of Lewis’ book emphasizes moral action rather than any actual alignment with any church.[6] As mentioned earlier, Reflections on the Psalms is a book both loved and hated. First of all, its subject matter and brash approach render it quite prickly for many critics. One significant weakness of the book is its blatant criticism against Jews that can easily be misunderstood as an attack on the Semitic community. For example, in explaining the vitriolic anger that populates parts of the Book of Psalms, Lewis indicted the Psalmists (Jews, inevitably) for their hatred and the devilish and vulgar images graphically present in the psalms.[7] Indeed, if Psalm 9, which speaks of blessings for people who violently bash the brains of Babylonian babies, is anything to go by, Lewis is not at all far-fetched or exaggerating. Despite the reality of Lewis’ accusations of violence and sensationalism in the Book of Psalms, this becomes a weakness of his book, particularly since it is viewed as a biased indictment of one race rather than an accurate response to a literary piece. Moreover, since Lewis is incapable of reading the original Hebrew version of the Book of Psalms, this is easily a weakening of his rhetoric. Though essentially accurate in his reaction to the contents of the Book of Psalms, his admission that he is no reader of Hebrew becomes more of a problem rather than a powerful disclosure. While it does not entirely negate the validity of Lewis’ contentions (as reading from an English translation is also perfectly valid), it does become a thorn on the author’s side when issues of validity and objectivity arise. Perhaps in sharp contrast to this failed disclosure is Lewis’ admission that he is no theologian. Rather than become a weakness of the study, this becomes a very powerful tool in Lewis’ defense of his writings. As Lewis wrote, â€Å"One is sometimes (not often) glad not to be a great theologian. One might so easily confuse it with being a good Christian†.[8] In essence, this provides Lewis with a very good defense with regards to the allegations that he is bias on purpose, with an obviously anti-Semitic bend. Lewis does not claim any moral superiority in discussing the Psalms. The essence of Reflection on the Psalms, therefore, is a very personal book written from Lewis’ own point of view and should not be taken as a tool for ethnic indictment or proselytizing. This concept is also highly related to the final and most significant strength of the book. Despite claims that the book is biased and subjective, the greatest power of Reflections on the Psalms is its raw, honest discussion of the power of praise. He wrote, â€Å"The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express that same delight in God which made David dance†[9]. It is precisely this bliss that Lewis captures perfectly in his book, rendering it a bittersweet portrayal of human flaws and the love of God that continues to inspire even the most imperfect of humans to dance for joy and sing in bliss. Though he does present a rather negative depiction of the Jews in the early part of his book, he acknowledges their flaws as human and present in everyone. It is their ability to connect, love and be moved by the presence of God that makes them worth and even admirable in the eyes of Lewis. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"Lewis on the Psalms†, TIME Magazine, 22 September 1958; accessed on 5 May 2008 available from,9171,863917,00.html Lewis, C.S. Reflections on the Psalms. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1958 Meilaender, Gilbert. Things That Count: Essays Moral and Theological. Wilmington, DE: ISI Books, 2000 Smith, J.M. The Religion of the Psalms. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1922  Weiser, Arthur. The Psalms: A Commentary. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1962  Wood, Ralph. â€Å"Conflict and Convergence on Fundamental Matters in C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkie [1] â€Å"Lewis on the Psalms†, TIME Magazine, 22 September 1958; accessed on 5 May 2008 available from,9171,863917,00.html [2] Arthur Weiser, The Psalms: A Commentary, (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1962) 111 [3] J.M. Smith, The Religion of the Psalms, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1922), v [4] â€Å"Lewis on the Psalms†, 1958 [5] Ibid [6] Ibid [7] C.S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms, (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1958) [8] Ibid., p.57 [9] Ibid., p.45
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Older Adults in the Media
Grand Canyon University December 6, 2009 Older Adults in the Media Grumpy Old Men The story is about two retired older men named John Gustafson and Max Goldman. The two have been friends since they were children. They are constantly playing pranks on each other and giving each other a hard time. The audience finds out that the reason the two fight is because a long time ago John won the heart of the woman Max wanted. Their antics get even crazier when an adventurous single woman moves into the house across the street named Ariel. The two men fawn over her, constantly watching her house from their windows. When Ariel stops by Johns house for a surprise bathroom break at 1:30am Max gets jealous thinking that John is in a sexual relationship with the younger women. Max then pursues Ariel, bringing her flowers and taking her ice fishing. But Ariel says he is just a friend. That is when she begins to pursue John and after a romantic day playing in the snow the two have sex. Well John is tickled pink and is having the most fun he’s had in a long time. When Max finds out he lashes out at John. John figures that he won the first women they fought over and he breaks up with Ariel. Max chases her and the two spend time together but never anything romantic. Then John has a heart attack and Max finds him and calls for help. This is when Ariel comes back into John’s life. The movie skips ahead and we see John and Ariel getting married and the movie ends with the two of them driving away from the wedding. One of the stereotypes I first identified was the title Grumpy Old Men. It implies that old men are grumpy and unhappy with life. The movie goes on to show us that these two men are cranky by them fighting with each other and complaining about things like the price of fishing worms. Another stereotype is that old people are lonely. In the movie we see John playing chess by himself and heating up a TV dinner every night after a whole day spent alone in his fishing shanty. The two men liked to talk about dying and what the best way to go would be. This is a stereotype that goes along with older people liking to talk about their medical aliments. The two men complain about the different medical problems they have had and they try to outdo each other saying that their medical problem was way more painful than the other persons. The men also showed the noisy neighbor stereotype that older people get when they stood outside their houses watching Ariel move in and then talking about it with the rest of the town. Another stereotype is that old people aren’t very good drivers like when John ran into the trash cans all the time or when Max was too distracted to see the UPS driver in front of him. Then after narrowly missing an accident Max says â€Å"watch where you’re going. †One of the funniest characters in the movie was John’s dad. He embodied the classic old man pervert. When John would talk about Ariel he would tell John to â€Å"mount her. †Lastly another stereotype shown was that old men are impotent. Like when John and Max were making fun of their other friend saying he â€Å"couldn’t rise to the occasion. I can’t say that I think that any of the stereotypes are true or untrue. Some of the characteristics describe some older adults I know and some don’t. That is the thing about stereotypes they don’t fit the whole group. I do hold my own stereotypes about older adults but I try to work on not letting them affect my judgm ent of the person. All of the stereotypes I identified in the movie I hold especially about the men being perverted and impotent and that they like to talk about their medical problems. I’ve been to dinner with my Grandma and Grandpa before and all they can do is talk about this doctor’s appointment and that doctor’s appointment. So I’ve seen some of these stereotypes first hand. Yes my understanding of older adults has changed over the semester. I think that working with them and seeing that the stereotypes are not true has helped change my view. All old men are not perverted and the old women are not lonely. I’ve talked with many of the older adults at Banner and Glencroft and I’ve found them to be nice, helpful, and respectful.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Problem Of Domestic Violence - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1840 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/04/16 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Domestic Violence Essay Did you like this example? Domestic violence is a problem that has caused many damaged to a lot of family through time. The person that commit domestic violence is because they lost they job and when they argue almost all the time with his wife or something had any mental problem. Beside that, domestic violence has a great influence on children and their future behavior. Numerous kids presented to viciousness in the house are likewise casualties of physical abuse. Kids who witness abusive behavior at home or are casualties of maltreatment themselves are at genuine hazard for long-haul physical and psychological wellness problems. Youngsters who witness brutality between guardians may likewise be at more serious danger of being fierce in their future connections. In the event that you are a parent who is encountering misuse, it tends to be hard to realize how to secure your youngster. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Problem Of Domestic Violence" essay for you Create order Youngsters in this age range may feel regretful about the maltreatment and reprimand themselves for it. Abusive behavior at home and misuse harm youngsters confidence. They may not take an interest in school exercises or get decent evaluations, have fewer companions than others, and cause harm all the more regularly. They additionally may have many migraines and stomach aches. Additionally, adolescents who witness misuse may carry on in negative courses, for example, battling with relatives or playing hooky. They may likewise participate in hazardous practices, for example, having unprotected sex and utilizing liquor or medications. They may have low confidence and experience difficulty making companions. They may begin battles or menace others and are bound to get stuck in an unfortunate situation with the law. This kind of conduct is increasingly regular in adolescent young men who are manhandled in youth than in youngster young ladies. Young ladies are more probable than young men to be pulled back and to encounter depression. While money related variables add to the issue, the reasons for aggressive behavior at home include mental issues that we should manage so as to stop the cycle of maltreatment. There are two passionate elements that contribute enormously to abusive behavior at home. One includes a damaging point of view (or basic inward voice) that abusers encounter both toward themselves and their accomplices, musings like Youre not a man on the off chance that you dont control her or She is making a trick out of you. This dynamic feeds into a feeling that someone else can make you entire and is in charge of your bliss. These two hazardous conviction frameworks set up a domain for maltreatment. While ladies are bound to encounter aggressive behavior at home, types of maltreatment happen between a wide range of couples whether of the inverse or same sex, wedded or unmarried. In any case, in the numerous cases in which men wind up savage toward ladies, its important to inspect certain societal frames of mind toward men that are dangerous and can build occurrences of brutality. Being tested by a relationship accomplice can be troubling, exciting trepidation and outrage for a few people. In these examples, regardless of whether they are encountering an affront, an apparent risk, or an outrageous incitement, the two people who take part in abusive behavior at home are regularly following up on their basic inward voice. This voice is a ruinous manner of thinking in which individuals are revealing to themselves contrary things about themselves and their accomplices. The more a man tunes in to these contemplation, the more they feed sentiments of being wronged and of expecting to counter, once in a while heightening to a point of getting to be rough. Liquor and medication misuse are one of the greater variables of abusive behavior at home. Misuse is an intense issue for the people in question and the abusers. In spite of the fact that measurements appear to show some connection between liquor, sedate maltreatment, and aggressive behavior at home, others trust that they are two separate issues. Household misuse isnt such a great amount about lost control all things considered about aggregate control. Incidentally, numerous batterers dont consider themselves to be culprits, however as unfortunate casualties. This thinking is normal among batterers. Most enter treatment programs intensely heavily clad with expounding disavowal frameworks intended to legitimize or pardon their activities. For a few abusers, savagery is a device to shield their cozy accomplice from leaving the relationship or shielding them from being unfaithful, regardless of whether it implies physically constraining them to remain. Residential Maltreatment happens seeing someone where strife is the ceaseless consequence of intensity disparity between the accomplices and one accomplice fears and hurt by the other. physical maltreatment. It doesnt consider different types of local maltreatment that are utilized to control, for example, sexual maltreatment, verbal maltreatment, mental and psychological mistreatment, otherworldly maltreatment, financial maltreatment, and social maltreatment. Additionally, putting the abuser in prison will stop the viciousness, yet normally just briefly since no treatment is accessible. The issue is, the association of the police and detainment can really trigger more noteworthy viciousness now and again. Men are the significant culprits of savage wrongdoing. Information from the Assembled States for the period 1980 to 2008, for instance, demonstrates that men were in charge of 90% of the homicides submitted amid that period. Men are additionally the significant casualties of fierce wrongdoing. A similar US information demonstrates that 77% of the homicide unfortunate casualties over those equivalent two decades were men. Ladies, then again, are bound to be the people in question, rather the culprits, of brutal wrongdoing. Actually, how much ladies are the casualties of male brutality is really amazing. Ladies matured 15 to 44 worldwide are bound to be murdered or harmed in light of male savagery than as a result of a war, disease, jungle fever, and car crashes consolidated. In the only us, the number of ladies killed because of abusive behavior at home between 9/11 and 2012 surpassed the quantity of psychological oppressor exploited people on that day and every American trooper thus killed in the War on Dread joined. Male savagery against ladies is one of the undetectable and under-perceived pandemics within recent memory. A second conceivable contributing component is youth injury. There is solid proof that serious disregard and rough maltreatment in adolescence are high-chance components for savage conduct in grown-ups. It is inexhaustibly evident that horribly useless child rearing can cause inten se issues in kid advancement, which thus can result in reprobate conduct, including viciousness. Conceivable contributory factor is the impact of gatherings on individual conduct. Savagery, for example, racial and homophobic strikes, has demonstrated that vicious gatherings are ordinarily comprised of four distinct sorts of wrongdoers: hooligans for whom viciousness is their typical methods for settling debate; xenophobes who point the finger at others for their very own inconveniences; sympathizers who wind up included through friend weight; and politically persuaded guilty parties, who are generally instructed and enjoy brutality in quest for their political convictions. An expected 3.3 to 10 million American kids observer abusive behavior at home in their homes every year. Other than that, roughly 24 individuals in the Assembled States are physically assaulted, explicitly attacked, or stalked by an ebb and flow or previous accomplice, as indicated by the Middle for Sickness Control. Numerous unfortunate casualties trust they can keep the maltreatment escaped their youngsters. Consistently, around 24 individuals in the Unified States are physically assaulted, explicitly ambushed, or stalked by an ebb and flow or previous accomplice, as per the Inside for Infection Control. Numerous exploited people trust they can keep the maltreatment escaped their kids, yet specialists say theyre once in a while effective. Aggressive behavior at home is a family issue and is difficult to cover up when it happens, regardless of whether youngsters are dozing or generally not present. Other than that, regardless of whether kids dont observer the occurrence itself, they can, in any case, feel the strain, they may hear the viciousness, and theyre probably going to see the outcome including wounds or the separation among mother and father, she says. Notwithstanding how kids learn of the maltreatment, the introduction to abusive behavior at home can cause negative outcomes in numerous parts of their lives. Additionally, Kids may encounter fear, uneasiness, discouragement, post-horrible pressure issue, a powerlessness to control their feelings, and self-destructive emotions because of seeing brutality between grown-up parental figures, as per the Habitats for Infection Control. Stressing that she is to blame can inflict significant damage on a kids psychological and enthusiastic prosperity. Children regularly feel regretful for not having the capacity to encourage the circumstance Ladies presented to suggest accomplice savagery and different types of lifetime injury might be in danger for negative psychological well-being results including post traumatic push issue. The reason for this investigation was to look at potential indicators of POTSDAM among low-pay ladies presented to perinatal IPV. This investigation broke down benchmark cross-sectional information from 239 low-pay pregnant ladies in the USA who took part in an attendant home appearance mediation somewhere in the range of 2006 and 2012 subsequent to announcing ongoing personal accomplice brutality. A contemplating insight with regards to this issue, each report of private accomplice viciousness reflects how the life of somebody in our locale has been affected by injury. Casualties of aggressive behavior at home experience the ill effects of obvious and shrouded loads and regularly think that its testing to look for help or converse with a relative for the issue that there are going on. A great many people surmise that aggressive behavior at home is a private, family matter and decide not to get included. In any case, aggressive behavior at home effects a network in amazing ways. October is aggressive behavior at home mindfulness month and an ideal time to bring it out of the shadows. Abusive behavior at home tears the simple texture of a network by destroying nuclear families and causing a progressively outstretching influence of repercussions that are felt for a long time. A standout amongst the most enduring results of abusive behavior at home is the damage it does to family bonds. Kids seeing savagery submitted against their parent can think that its hard to confide in grown-ups later on. It bargains their connection to the individual that should love and secure them, debilitating the nuclear family. An expected 3.3 million kids are presented to viciousness against their mom or a female guardian. These children have more elevated amounts of displeasure, antagonistic vibe, noncompliance, and withdrawal. They have comparable medical problems as grown-ups, nervousness, rest issue, psychological well-being, and conduct medical problems. One can envision the impact this has on school execution. This year, the across the nation Mary Kay Truth About Maltreatment Review demonstrated that 8 out of 10 aggressive behavior at home safe houses across the country announced an expansion in ladies looking for help. The economy has had an impact. Not exclusively is request up while subsidizing, administrations and anticipation endeavors are down, yet the review proceeded to report that 74% of ladies remained with an abuser longer for financial reasons, and 58% of havens announced that the maltreatment is tougher now than before the monetary downturn.
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